Wednesday Night Activities


Wednesday Night Activities Registration

Register below for all of your Wednesday Night activities at Wesley Monumental UMC during the 2024-2025 season.

If you registered for the fall semester, you do not need register again for the spring semester.

If you have any questions, please call the church office at 912-232-0191.

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Bible Studies on Wednesday Nights

No registration is necessary to attend a Wednesday Night Bible study or small group.

Youth Group Bible Study

The youth group will study MDWK Bible Study: Creation and Covenant throughout the semester. Email Maggie for details.


The Anxious Generation with Glen Doki

All adults are invited to read The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt with others, then discuss the themes and chapters each Wednesday evening. led by Glen Doki. Email Glen for details.


Women’s Small Group

Oliver Hall Parlor

Teaching by Katie Martin Knight and others. We would love to have you for a time of sharing and seeking God together. Email Katie for details.


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Together, we will read and discuss John Mark Comer’s book which focuses on staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world. Email Rev. Ben Martin for details.


GriefShare with Rev. Carolyn Hale Cubbedge & Rhonda Radcliff

GriefShare is a 13-week support group program. Throughout the program, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief.

Bible Studies on Wednesday Nights

No registration is necessary to attend a Wednesday Night Bible study or small group.


Youth Group Bible Study

The youth group will study MDWK Bible Study: Creation and Covenant throughout the semester. Email Maggie for details.


The Anxious Generation with Glen Doki

All adults are invited to read The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt with others, then discuss the themes and chapters each Wednesday evening. led by Glen Doki. Email Glen for details.


Women’s Small Group

Oliver Hall Parlor

Teaching by Katie Martin Knight and others. We would love to have you for a time of sharing and seeking God together. Email Katie for details.


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Together, we will read and discuss John Mark Comer’s book which focuses on staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world. Email Rev. Ben Martin for details.


GriefShare with Rev. Carolyn Hale Cubbedge & Rhonda Radcliff

GriefShare is a 13-week support group program. Throughout the program, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief.

Wednesday Night Activities Registration

Register below for all of your Wednesday Night activities at Wesley Monumental UMC during the 2024-2025 season. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 912-232-0191.

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Do you also need to register for a Choir? (Check all that apply.)