Sunday Mornings
Welcome to Wesley Monumental United Methodist Church! We’re so glad you would like to know more about who we are, what we believe, and how we worship.
On Sunday, mornings, we have two worship services at 8:45 and 11 a.m. with nursery provided.
There are a wide variety of Sunday School classes as well. Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Mornings at Wesley
8:45 a.m.
Worship Service in the Sanctuary
Nursery and Children’s Worship Available
9:30 a.m.
Coffee and Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall
9:45 a.m.
Sunday School for All Ages
For Infants, Children, Youth, and Adults
11 a.m.
Worship Service in the Sanctuary
Nursery and Children’s Worship Available
Children & Youth Sunday School Classes
Children in third grade and younger do not need to be picked up between Worship Service and Sunday School. If they attend the 8:45 service, they will be given a snack after Children’s Worship and taken directly to Sunday School. If they attend the 11 a.m. service, they will be taken to the Sanctuary after Sunday School at 10:55 and will sit together until the Children’s Sermon when they will be taken to Children’s Worship.
Education Building, Room 101
During Sunday School, our youngest friends are invited to learn more about Jesus through stories, songs, and play.
For 8 week olds up to three-year-olds.
Early Childhood
Education Building, Room 103
Our early childhood friends encounter God with sight, hearing, and touch through fun and engaging storytelling.
For three-year-olds through pre-kindergarteners.
Early Elementary Children
Fellowship Hall, Bump Out Room – Right
In early elementary school, we begin using a multi-sensory approach to engage our children and allow them to see, feel, hear, and retell the stories of the Bible.
For kindergarteners through third graders.
Fellowship Hall, Bump Out Room – Left
Our older elementary students have the opportunity to learn more about worship education as they prepare to join the adults on Sunday mornings.
For 4th and 5th grade students.
Junior High: Oliver Hall, Room 408
Senior High: Oliver Hall, Room 405
Our middle school and high school students take part in Bible studies led by adult lay leaders.
For 6th through 12th grade students.
Adult Sunday School Classes
The Alpha Class
Fellowship Hall Multi-purpose Room & Zoom
Alpha class discusses a lesson from the Adult Bible Studies series curriculum each week. They have a focus on fellowship.
The Being Class
Oliver Hall Parlor (next to Room 207)
We are human beings, not human doings, but when life feels hectic and chaotic, it can be hard to remember this. In the Being Class, a group for adults of all ages, we value being with God and being in community. We enjoy group discussion following a short video lesson each week.
The Compass Class
Oliver Hall, Room 407
Many participants in the Compass class have children and teens, and they are in many different stages of life. Classes involve lots of discussion grounded in Scripture and are led by various members.
The Connect Class
Oliver Hall, Room 207 & Zoom
The Connect class is made up of people from all ages and stages of life. They often study an agreed-upon curriculum together.
The Epworth Class
Oliver Hall, Room 309 & Zoom
The Epworth class is made up of a wide variety of people who enjoy studying Scriptural and topical lessons. They enjoy quarterly Social Sundays and particularly focus on serving Urban Hope, an afterschool ministry for children and youth.
The Ivy Class
Oliver Hall, Room 310
Members of the Ivy Class are mostly lively “empty nesters.” They participate in a variety of studies, everything from traditional Bible studies to books about spiritual growth. They also host frequent social events.
The Journey Class
Oliver Hall, Room 308 & Zoom
The Journey Class loves to focus on broadening their knowledge and understanding of Scripture in light of all that is going on in the world today. They appreciate diverse opinions, lively discussion, and solid spirituality.
The Pastor’s Class
The Fellowship Hall & Zoom
As the name suggests, the Pastor’s Class is taught by Wesley’s Senior Pastor, Rev. Ben Martin. Each lesson is free-standing, and all are encouraged to drop in at any time!