Monumental Music

Wesley Monumental is known throughout Savannah for its tradition of excellence in sacred music.  In addition to our incredible Chancel Choir which serves our main worship service, we offer choir opportunities for our children and youth.

There are several concerts throughout the year showcasing our choirs’ many talents and many ways to participate in our musical community. 

Wesley Monumental United Methodist Church

Monumental Music

Wesley Monumental is known throughout Savannah for its tradition of excellence in sacred music.  In addition to our incredible Chancel Choir which serves our main worship service, we offer choir opportunities for our children and youth.

There are several concerts throughout the year showcasing our choirs’ many talents and many ways to participate in our musical community. 

Choir Opportunities

Chancel Choir

Wesley Monumental’s Adult Choir leads music during our main worship service

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Joyful Noise Choir

Three-year-olds through kindergarteners learn the basics of music alongside their friends

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Children's Choir

A fun and educational choir experience for first through fifth graders

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Youth Choir

Sixth through twelfth grade students in youth choir participate in worship and special events

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The Music Endowment Fund

The music ministry is especially valuable to our church. Not only does music minister to our congregation, it introduces new babies, children, and adults to our church who are drawn here and then compelled to come back when they hear the Word brought to life in music.

The principal of the Music Endowment remains untouched, and the interest is used to supplement and enhance the music program. Please contact Rev. Ben Martin or Dr. Monica Dekle for more information.

The Noack Organ, Opus 100, 1985

Our 62-rank mechanical action organ was inspired by the church’s fine architecture and rich choral tradition. It was also Fritz Noack’s first organ in the South.

Located in a raised choir gallery within the front central apse, the organ speaks straight into the nave. The organ cost $450,000 in 1985. The funds were pledged by the congregation in one week’s time.

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Concerts & Performances

Each of our choirs participates in various performances throughout the year. The concerts are an opportunity to draw hearts nearer to Christ and to share his love with all who attend.

All of our choirs, from the Joyful Noise Choir through the Chancel Choir, are exceedingly talented and spend many hours learning music and preparing to share the Gospel through song.

Join us for a concert like no other!

Concerts & Performances

Each of our choirs participates in various performances throughout the year. The concerts are an opportunity to draw hearts nearer to Christ and to share his love with all who attend.

All of our choirs, from the Joyful Noise Choir through the Chancel Choir, are exceedingly talented and spend many hours learning music and preparing to share the Gospel through song.

Join us for a concert like no other!

Would you like to join a choir?

Dr. Monica Dekle is Wesley Monumental’s spectacular Director of Music and Organist. Contact her by calling the church office at 912-232-0191 or via email with any questions about the music programs at Wesley Monumental.

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