Volunteer Opportunities
We always have a need for volunteers to keep our programs running smoothly at WMUMC. Thank you for serving with us!
Joyful Noise & Children’s Choir Volunteers
Mrs. Monica and Mrs. Charli need volunteers on Wednesday evenings from 6–7 p.m. for the Joyful Noise and Children’s Choirs. You do not need to be musical. We only need you to love our children who love to sing and assist our leaders who are already in place. All staff and volunteers who work with children are subject to screening and are in compliance with Wesley Monumental’s Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
Nursery Volunteers
Our nursery serves the youngest members of our congregation which includes children from birth through three years old. The nursery is available during Sunday morning worship services, Wednesday night programs, and other events. All staff and volunteers who work with children are subject to screening and compliance with Wesley Monumental’s Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
Children’s Worship & Sunday School Volunteers
There is always a need for more volunteers to accompany our children during Children’s Worship for children up to third grade. Children’s Worship takes place during our regular worship services. All staff and volunteers who work with children are subject to screening and compliance with Wesley Monumental’s Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
Volunteers are provided with everything necessary for Children’s Worship or Sunday School, so no preparation is needed ahead of time.
Youth Ministry Volunteers
Our Youth Ministry has a variety of volunteer needs for adults! Whether you want to chaperone an upcoming trip, participate in a fundraiser, teach Sunday School, or more, there is always an opportunity to participate. All staff and volunteers who work with our students are subject to screening and compliance with Wesley Monumental’s Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
Students in sixth grade or above are invited to become acolytes. Following a brief training session (provided twice a year), they may assist with baptisms, lighting candles, and collecting attendance rosters during the 11 a.m. worship service. Acolytes usually serve one Sunday per quarter.
Communion Stewards
Communion Stewards help prepare communion for our Communion Sunday services on the first Sunday of the month. This is a great way to serve our church from behind the scenes, and training is provided.
Offering Counters
Offering counters are always needed following the 11 a.m. worship service on Sundays. The time commitment is about one hour once a month. Counters are paired up with another member.
Audio Assistants
Volunteers are needed to assist with sound needs on Sunday mornings during worship. No experience is necessary as training will be provided.
Transportation Brigade
When members of our congregation need assistance in getting from one place to another, we call on the Transportation Brigade! These volunteers may provide transportation to Sunday morning worship, Wednesday evening events, weekday activities, medical treatments, and rehabilitation appointments.
Monumental Meal Ministry
The Monumental Meal Ministry provides meals for families at the time of death, sickness or recuperation. If you like to cook, we would love to add your talents to our team!
Welcoming New Members & Visitors
Shepherds: Our Shepherds are paired with New Members to assist them in settling into our congregation. Shepherds may show New Members around the campus, invite New Members to church events, and answer any questions New Members may have. Shepherds will also stand in front of the church with New Members when the New Members join the church.
Visitor Welcoming: Those who welcome visitors may be interested in writing notes to be mailed to visitors or delivering gifts to visitors’ homes as needed. If making people feel loved and welcome is a gift of yours, this may be a great way for you to serve!
Worship Service Volunteers
Offering stewards, greeters, and ushers are always needed to assist during Worship Services at 8:45 and 11 a.m. If you would like to serve in this capacity, please contact the Church Office at 912-232-0191.
Our church has an extremely interesting history as it pertains to Savannah, the United States, the world and United Methodism as a whole. If you enjoy meeting people and sharing history with others, you may love participating as a docent. We would be happy to call upon you as visitors to our city often request tours of our historic church. Contact the Church Office at 912-232-0191 for more information.
Gardening at Wesley Gardens Retreat
Volunteers are invited to assist Wesley Gardens staff in removing Spanish moss from shrubs, weeding, trimming azaleas, and cleaning up the marsh edge. This is an ongoing need, and all are welcome to participate. Please contact Wesley Gardens Property Manager Micah Sprünger for more information.
Regular Volunteer Opportunities
If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity that doesn’t require a long-term commitment, please review your church bulletin, our Instagram feed, the Wesley Weekly email newsletter, or event calendar to find current opportunities. Whether we are packing groceries, doing yard work, partnering with a local mission organization, or more, your help is always appreciated!